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- 438 Squadron
- Bangs, Albert Edward
- Banting, Don
- Beatty, William Lawrence
- Beirnes, Jack Rife
- Birch, William Francis
- Bissky, Paul
- Black, Robert Johnson
- Breen, Roy Frederick
- Brooker, Arthur Charles
- Brown, Raymond Alexander
- Brown, John Kerk
- Brydon, Edward Dale
- Bugg, Theodore Alexander
- Burden, Herbert Roy
- Buzza, John
- Campbell, Donald Vincent
- Cole, Cecil Clifford
- Cornelison, John Edgar
- Davoud, Paul Yettvart
- Dawber, Norman Ewart
- Desnauliere, Roland
- Dewar, John Paterson
- Edington, George Percy
- Elnaugh, Stanley Jesse
- Errington, Gordon Robert
- Etchells, David
- Fox, Robert
- Fraser, Byron Keith
- Getty, Ronald Claire
- Grant, Frank George
- Harle, Allan Brown
- Hartnett, Timothy
- Hassall, Ralph
- Hay, Henry Peter
- Heard, Donald John
- Hilton, Jack
- Hogg, James Easson
- Holmes, Alex
- Holmes, John Sinclair
- Hope, John Charles William
- Hutchinson, William Scott
- James, Ronald
- Jodoin, Joseph Henri Louis Philippe 'Phil'
- Johnson, Ross
- Jones, Tom Merville
- Keller, Ross Whaley
- Kinsella, William James
- Kirlin, Buck
- Lambros, Andrew
- Lieberman, L. N.
- Livingstone, John George Stanley Joseph
- Lord, Andre
- MacDonald, Ian Norman
- MacKay, W. F.
- Macklem, Philip George
- McAlpine, Earl James
- McDonald, Alexander Archibald
- McKay, Edmund J. D.
- McKenzie, Robert Melne
- McKinnon, R. D.
- McMann, Victor Ernest
- Michaud, Maurice
- Moores, Douglas Keith
- Morrison, William Harold
- Neff, James Ward
- Newsome, Arthur Barclay
- Nixon, Finley Allan
- Oldfin, Raymond Edmund
- Park, Lewis E.
- Pedley, L. Alfred
- Reid, Ross Frederick
- Richards, Alfred Charles
- Sharpe, George Harold
- Skelly, Frank Richard Fisher
- Smathers, Leslie Lewis
- Spooner, Bob
- Stetler, John
- Stewart, John Rose
- Tilley, James Edwin
- Uhthoff, John Campbell
- Upham, Harry George
- Vickers, Albert Harvey
- Wallace, Ivan James Vincent
- Washburn, Dean Jerome
- Wilhelm, Clarence Alex
- Wilkes, Walter John
- Wilks, Arthur G.
- Wilman, Richard Henry
- Wilson, Peter
- 439 Squadron
- Allen, Ernest James
- Anderson, William
- Angelini, Samuel
- Barton, Paul Smith
- Bell, Bernard
- Breck, Alan William
- Brock, John Simpson
- Brown, James
- Bullock, John
- Burden, George Franklin
- Burgess, Charles Lebert
- Burton, William Donald
- Carr, John
- Church, Stanley
- Clark, Flying Officer
- Cleghorn, Donald Glenwood
- Cook, Jack
- Cote, Joseph-Anatole
- Crosby, Robert Gordon
- Davis, William George
- Derouin, Arthur Edmond
- Dixon, Elton Lascelles
- Elfner, Paul James
- Fiset, Kenneth J.
- Fraser, Alexander Hugh
- Gray, William Adam
- Gray, Tex
- Hallford, Murray
- Harrison, James Laughlin
- Harrison, Michael
- Hewson, Gaele
- Hiltz, Robert Arthur
- Hornberger, Frank J.
- Johns, Royce Allen
- Kalen, John
- Kubicki, Walter
- Lambert, Charles Alfred
- Laurence, Robert Howard
- Laycock, Maurice Preston
- Le Gear, Victor Henry John
- Leigh, Clayton
- MacDonald, Ralph Nelson
- MacTavish, Roswell Murray
- Marlatt, Stafford
- Martin, John George
- Matlock, Al
- McBride, Alastair C.
- McCullough, J. Douglas
- McGibbon, Donald Stewart. 'Buck'
- Moen, Ralph Olaf
- Monson, Alonzo Edgar
- Porritt, Robert Arthur
- Rassenti, Nicholas H.
- Roach, R. J.
- Roberts, John
- Ross, John Weber
- Sage, Kenneth
- Saunders, William Lee
- Saville, John Walton
- Scharff, William Kenneth
- Shaver, Clarence Lyall
- Sweeney, John Daniel
- Swingler, Bernard Percy
- Thomas, Frank Macdonald
- Vokey, Richard Walter
- Wright, William Albert
- 440 Squadron
- Aistrop, Charles Sydney
- Allman, Leonard Ralph
- Barber, William Donald
- Beatty, James Hughes
- Bernier, Paul Hubert Roland
- Black, Mr.
- Bonner, John Cyril
- Byers, Harold Noel
- Campbell, Donald Claude
- Clacken, Courtney O'Brien Robertson
- Clifford, William Cecil Joseph
- Coffey, Robert Ellsworth
- Collis, Raymond Ernest
- Colville, John Spencer
- Cordick, John Morgan
- Crittenden, Joseph Gordon
- Crowley, Francis Joseph
- Cumming, Duncan Herbert
- Dean, George Robert
- Dewar, John Fraser
- Doidge, Ronald William
- Duncan, Jack Lindsay
- Dunkeld, William Thomas
- Dunn, Benjamin Horace
- English, Delbert F.
- Flanagan, Edward Theodore
- Flintoft, John Davidson
- French, Donald Arthur
- Frombolo, Anthony
- Gardner, Currie
- Garside, Stanley Vincent
- Gibbs, William Robert
- Gohl, James Garfield
- Gooding, Harold Orville
- Gordon, Doug
- Gordon, Nelson Leslie
- Gray, Robert McLaurin
- Gregory, Robert
- Gunnarson, Ivar
- Gurd, Robert Seath
- Hardy, Harry
- Harwood, Charles Frederick Joseph
- Hattie, Robert G.
- Hicks, Clifford Waldron
- Hollingsworth, Hubert Wesley
- Hughes, Neil
- Jenvey, Donald Edward
- Kearse, Percy Harold
- Keon, Harold
- Kerr, H. J. F.
- Limon, Marshall Nielsen
- Lippert, John William
- Mahagan, Wilfred Joseph
- Marcoux, Maurice J. A. A.
- McCarthy, W. J.
- McConvey, Carl Joseph
- McCurdy, Roger Eugene George
- McMillan, Donald Alexander
- Meraw, Joseph Harold
- Milne, Ramsay
- Mitchell, Kenneth Osborne
- Muff, John
- O'Brien, Hugh Kennedy
- Osborne, Clifford Francis
- Passmore, Gerald Leroy
- Peacock, William Dempsay
- Pearson, Robert Prescott
- Pedersen, Arthur Neil
- Pentland, William Harry
- Peterson, P
- Postans, Stanley Gurnett
- Reilly, Robert John
- Roach, Lynn Arthur
- Russell, Gordon Douglas
- Rustan, Leonard Joel 'Len'
- Savard, Joseph George Ernest
- Scott, Angus
- Simard, Joseph Arthur Paul
- Smith, Kenneth
- Smith, Theodore
- Stults, Douglas Clair
- Stusiak, Nicholas
- Sugden, Alfred William Edward
- Taylor, H. T. C.
- Thorratt, L.G.
- Waller, Denning
- Ward, Walter
- Warrell, John Francis
- Watkins, Albert Allan
- Watson, Richard Arthur
- Wilson, Robert Harold
- Wright, Donald Vicars
- RAF Squadrons
- 1 Bolster, Cyril Lester
- 1 Chalifour, Joseph Maurice
- 1 Fairbairn, James Duncan
- 1 Whitmore, George Carson
- 1 Wiley, James Wilson
- 3 Earle, John Clifford Morris
- 3 La Rocque, Joseph Albert
- 3 Purdon, Richard Michael Hastings
- 55 Blizard, Hugh Conway
- 55 MacIntosh, Charles Thomas Henry
- 56 Amey, Roland Raymond
- 56 Bellis, Robert Samuel
- 56 Bernhart, Pierre Nicola
- 56 Birks, Richard Salisbury
- 56 Cluderay, Elvin Newton
- 56 Smith, Robert Frederick Donald
- 56 Sullivan, Leroy Means
- 56 Sullivan, Frederick Alexander
- 56 Sullivan, George Allan
- 83 Lewis, Theos Llewellyn
- 133 Sproule, Frederick
- 137 Colton, John
- 137 Flett, William Arthur
- 137 Holder, James Cauldfield
- 137 Johnstone, Ralph Alexander
- 137 Kennedy, Graham
- 137 Martyn, D. E. George
- 137 Nixon, John R.
- 137 Pederson, Martin
- 137 Wood, Matthew
- 164 Baggs, Bill
- 164 Beake, Percival H.
- 174 Boyer, Joseph Rene Roland
- 174 Burton, F O
- 174 Dunning, Avery Charles
- 174 Hayes, R. C.
- 174 Johnson, Frank
- 174 Minall, Stanford Ward
- 174 Mitchell, P O
- 174 Montgomery, FO
- 174 O'Callaghan, F O
- 174 Reynolds, James William Bromley
- 174 Sterne, John Rutherford
- 174 Thomas, F O
- 174 Vatcher, Walter Cyril
- 175 Adamac, George Ernst
- 175 Botting, Frederick Morrison
- 175 Botting, Fred
- 175 Clarke, Ross William
- 175 Clermont, Justin Gerard
- 175 Cowie, James Moore
- 175 Finlayson, Stuart Scott
- 175 Howe, Norm
- 175 Leitch, Cecil Desmond
- 175 McManes, Francis Hill
- 175 Shanks, George Arnold
- 181 Allison, James Kenneth
- 181 Galbraith, Robert Francis
- 181 Graham, William
- 181 Hanna, Ken
- 181 Kenny, James H. F.
- 181 Lyle, Horace Keith
- 181 Pervin, Tim Israel
- 182 Davidson, Robert Tremayne Pillsbury
- 182 Fraleigh, Manley Ignatius
- 182 Jackson, Lawrence Kendall
- 182 Kasubeck, William James
- 182 McMane, Al
- 182 Weeks, Wylie Murray
- 182 Wise, Robert Thomas
- 183 Carragher, W. A. J.
- 183 Coutts, Russell Murray
- 183 Gee, Melsom Henry Walter
- 183 Humphrey, Gordon Frederick
- 183 Taylor, Adrian Ralph
- 184 Campbell, Donald Cedric
- 184 Currie, Ronald James
- 184 Downing, Ralph Strang
- 184 Gaskin, Ronald Alastair
- 184 Gross, Douglas Haig
- 184 Jessee, James P.
- 184 Laflamme, Henry Mathias
- 184 Parker, Louis Holmes
- 186 Patton, Henry Rupert Dunstan
- 186 Shaw, Stuart Resser
- 193 Brown, John G.
- 193 Brown, John J.
- 193 Davidge, Rod
- 193 Langille, George Eugene
- 193 Switzer, William
- 193 Wallace, Emerson
- 195 Dixon, Walter Alexander
- 197 Hall, Charles Burnham
- 197 Hignell, Gordon Kirby
- 197 Hill, John Richard
- 197 Jones, Robert Henry
- 197 Laing, William Crawford
- 197 Reid, Mackenzie Davidson
- 197 Smiley, William Bryant Thomson
- 197 Wakeman, Harold Frederick
- 198 Abbott, Clifford Robert
- 198 Allan, James Llewellyn
- 198 Campbell, Donald James
- 198 Darby, James Lloyd
- 198 Deugo, Robert Henry
- 198 Freeman, Harold
- 198 Hardy, George Ernest Arthur
- 198 Lane, George
- 198 MacDonald, James Arthur
- 198 MacKenzie, Henry Hector
- 198 O'Hanlon, Hollis Clair
- 198 Roper, Peter
- 198 Truscott, Henry Claire
- 198 Widdess, William Robert
- 245 Dakin, George Leslie
- 245 Miron, Arthur Eugene
- 245 Mossip, Harrison Taylor
- 245 Thompson, John
- 245 West, Chester Edward
- 245 Wharry, George Grant
- 247 Colquhoun, R. S.
- 247 Friedlander, John Brown
- 247 MacIntosh, Charles David 'Mac'
- 247 Magee, Andrew
- 247 McCuaig, Eric Stuart
- 247 Murray, Russell Ford
- 247 Porter, John Wallace
- 247 Shippee, Quentin MacPhail
- 247 Younger, Archibald
- 257 Ahrens, Walter Colin
- 257 Broad, Frederick Heath
- 257 Buckley, Kenneth Allan
- 257 Kistler, Walter
- 257 McDunnough, William Ralph
- 257 Richardson, William Bruce
- 257 Whitmore, William Bert
- 257 Williams, John Frederick Hart
- 263 Barr, Alexander
- 263 Campbell, Allan William
- 263 Fowler, William James
- 263 Hamilton, Mac
- 263 Kemp, Gordon
- 263 Le Gear, Frederick Stanley
- 263 McNenly, Pat
- 263 Parent, Leon
- 263 Racine, Gerald
- 263 Ryan, Alton James
- 263 Unwin, Leonard Arthur
- 263 Windeler, William James
- 263 Woodward, Norman Paulle Courtenay
- 268 Smith, C. Ivan
- 609 Buchanan, John Donald
- 609 Inches, James Donald
- 609 Miller, Charles Wesley
- 609 Soesman, Pierre LĂ©opold
- 609 Spallin, Stanley Herbert
- 609 Stewart, James
Aired Thurs Aug 12, 2021