Unknown - Unknown
F/L James Osborne 'Tex' Gray was a pilot with 439 Squadron during the Second World War. He was from San Antonio, Texas.
From Typhoon and Tempest by Hugh Halliday: Page 116: March 23...."The boys heard about the RCAF troupe 'The Blackouts' which came to town, so we brought the WDs to our dispersal for the afternoon where they really enjoyed watching the normal activity including the kites taking off and landing. Later on, Fl/L Tex Gray, the lanky southerner with a unique southern drawl, who is the OC of coffee making, superbly quenched their thirst with the result of his culinary effort....Everyone tried to make dates, of course, but were foiled when briefing was called for 8:30 pm."
On page 161: "At about 1100 hours on March 30, 439 Squadron landed at the former Luftwaffe base at Goch, thus becoming the first Allied squadron to land in Germany. An hour later, Vic Le Gear led a section to the Rhine area. With him were F/L Tex Gray, F/O John Bullock and F/O Walt Kubicki...."