Unknown - Unknown
In Typhoon and Tempest Michael Harrison was a pilot and the adjutant with 439 Squadron. He was promoted to Temporary Flight Lieutenant effective November 13, 1944.
He was from Agincourt, Ontario and enlisted in Toronto August 14, 1940. He was posted from RCAF Skip-on-Swale to 439 Squadron April 24, 1944 to June 30, 1945. He was mentioned in despatches. He was also recommended for an MBE (Member British Empire), dated January 18, 1944 when he was Assistant Base Adjutant. He was later posted to 402 Squadron.
In an RCAF Press Release, F/O Mickey Harrison, from Fort Qu'appelle, Saskatchewan, was reported as saying, "There was a beautiful big explosion right in the middle of the train. I saw the leader's bombs land right in the middle of the train and the explosion followed. I could see troops around the train firing at us with rifles, but we were too busy with the bombing to squirt them." Could this be the same Michael Harrison?